Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I do not know what happened, yesterday. I did the grocery shopping and watched 2 hours of the TV shows I had recorded while I was gone (we don't have cable or satellite in Oregon), and the day was over. Seriously, where did it go?

Today is also almost gone, but I have a little more to show for it. I'm back to working on a scarf I started last summer, Lucy Neatby's "Sea Lettuce" in Gothic Lolita (sorry, I don't know the manufacturer), a brilliant pink and black handpaint. I know the design well enough, by now, that I didn't have to locate the pattern to continue. I hope I can find it in time for the finish, since I don't know how that's done and I'd hate to have to reinvent it. With that, and some chores, I can say I didn't waste the day.


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