Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We had another drizzly one today. I celebrated by making soup for lunch, and fried chicken for dinner. The cat celebrated by dumping a pint of ice water into my lap, but made up for it by spending the whole day barfing in the living room.

I had a panicky moment, late in the evening, when I remembered that I had had an appointment with the pain doc, today. Tom, who remembers such things, reminded me that, while my appointment had originally been for today, I had changed it to last week in case I got stuck on jury duty. Whew.

I'm on the home stretch, making the last rayon top of summer. What's it been now, a month? I'm getting tired of stockinette stitch, especially as the weather seems to have switched into winter mode already, and I won't get to wear it for a while. I'm getting into the mood to knit myself some nice hats and scarves.


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