Thursday, December 15, 2011

Finished, blocked, and forgot about the other hat yesterday. It's in a llama/silk blend for a wool-allergic friend; I hope she can wear it.

The grey/pink mohair sweater has been happily worn the last few days, which have been very cold. It's soft, light, and warm. It also sheds like a furry dog. My car looks like a big, lavender (the daylight effect of the blended colors) dog has been driving. Live and learn.

I'm back to knitting on the sparkly pink socks. I'm up to the leg (toe up) on the first sock. As much time as I'm having to put into the restaurant, and as soon as it's going to open, it may be a long, long time before the second sock gets finished.

We spent much of the day buying stuff for the restaurant, and dropping it off at the site. There's still a lot more to do. For one thing, we have to deal with all the stuff we already have: hanging pictures, assembling shelves, putting dishes and cookware away. There's still a possibility of opening next week.


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