Thank Heaven for Google.
I was reading an article on Christmas in New Mexico, which included repeated references to "farolitos." I recognized the pictures, but not the name of the thing. I kept thinking, we call those something different here, but couldn't recall what it was. With the help of the Internet, it only took a few seconds to find the word: luminaria. That's it, luminaria.
If you're not acquained with Latino culture, that's a brown paper bag, weighted down with sand, and lit with a candle. They're hardly ever used in LA anymore, being an obvious fire hazard, but I have fond memories of them.
On the knitting front, I'm halfway through another sweater. This one is of a pink chenille yarn imported from Italy, mostly wool and mohair. It's as thick as a wooly bear caterpillar, and working up at lightspeed on #35 needles. I only started it yesterday. If I weren't spending so much time reading about New Mexican holiday practices, I might have been able to finish it today.
Marina's Turn
I was reading an article on Christmas in New Mexico, which included repeated references to "farolitos." I recognized the pictures, but not the name of the thing. I kept thinking, we call those something different here, but couldn't recall what it was. With the help of the Internet, it only took a few seconds to find the word: luminaria. That's it, luminaria.
If you're not acquained with Latino culture, that's a brown paper bag, weighted down with sand, and lit with a candle. They're hardly ever used in LA anymore, being an obvious fire hazard, but I have fond memories of them.
On the knitting front, I'm halfway through another sweater. This one is of a pink chenille yarn imported from Italy, mostly wool and mohair. It's as thick as a wooly bear caterpillar, and working up at lightspeed on #35 needles. I only started it yesterday. If I weren't spending so much time reading about New Mexican holiday practices, I might have been able to finish it today.
Marina's Turn