Friday, April 15, 2011

Today, I started knitting with a nice red rayon chenille I picked up in Cambria last year. I thought it would soothe my nerves, it being such a pretty color, and such a nice, fat yarn that would knit up quickly.

That almost didn't work. Even though the skein was tied in about 6 places, it tangled terminally as soon as I cut the knots. It took five hours for me to roll it into a ball. Once rolled, however, it behaved as required. I'm knitting a nice triangular shawl in my trademark mesh stitch. In just a couple of hours, I had a decent-sized scarf. I'd have finished the shawl by now, if we hadn't scored tickets to the new Astor Street Opry Company production of "The Real Lewis and Clark, or How the Finns Discovered the Pacific." That was fun.


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